Amateur Muay Thai:

– All bouts will consist of 3, 2-minute rounds (title bouts are 3, 3-minute rounds), with 1-minute rest between rounds.

– The 3 knockdown rule is in effect at all times, as well as the standing 8 count rule. An 8-count will count as a knock-down.

– No fighter can be saved by the bell.

– Any foul language or disrespect for the rules or the referee by a fighter or his/her corner will result in a disqualification.

– All fighters must wear 12 oz. gloves provided by the promotion. Fighters must also provide and wear headgear, shin pads, mouthpiece, and groin protection (for men) for the duration of the bout.

– All female fighters must submit to a pregnancy test and complete a Commission Pregnancy form at the time of weigh-ins.

-All fighters MUST show proper identification at weigh-ins. NO ID = NO FIGHT!

-All fighter must be examined by a physician on the day of the event. Fighters 36 years or older must also submit 1) Complete dilated eye exam, 2) CT scan or neuro evaluation, 3) Physical Form for Fighters 36 and older.


– Punches to the head and body with gloves.

– Kicks to the head/body/torso/legs. No straight kicks to the legs or knees.

– Elbows to the body/torso.

– Knees to the body/torso/legs.

– Clinch is legal but fighters must remain active or REF will break-up.

– Catching kicks is legal, but fighter must catch and release after a few seconds. No sweeping.


– Elbows to the head.

– Knees to the head.

– Straight kicks to the front of the leg/knees.

– Head butts.

-Strikes to the back of the head/spine.


C Class = 0-3 Fights
B Class = 4-9 Fights
A Class = 10+ Fights

**Fighters must be within these classes to fight for a title.  For example an A Class Fighter can’t fight for a B Class title.  However, fighters may fight out of their class if there is not a title on the line.**


– All Fighter’s Must have a Doctor’s Physical documented on the PA Athletic Commission Physical Form.

– All amateur fighters who are competing for the first time in PA must fill out an Experience Form.

-All fighters must apply for an Amateur PA License through the PA Athletic Commission.

-All Fighters must have Blood Test results completed within the past 6 months for HIV, Hepatitis B-surface antigen, and Hepatitis C.

-All of this information must be FAXED immediately to Ed Kunkle at Fax: 717-783-0824.

– Questions on paperwork and license Please Call Athletic Commissioner Ed Kunkle at

Phone: 717-787-5720.

– Complete the Information Form online for the online broadcast.


-All fighters must have 5 sanctioned bouts

-These sanctioned bouts must be documented and sent into the Commission for review and approval if the commission does not already have the information on record.

-An advanced rules waiver form must be completed by both fighters – The Commission has sole authority on who to approved / dis-approve for these advanced rules

– All non-title bouts will consist of 3, 2-minute rounds, with 1-minute rest between rounds.

-All title bouts will consist of 3, 3-, minute rounds with 1 minute rest between rounds.

– The 3 knockdown rule is in effect at all times, as well as the standing 8 count rule. An 8-count will count as a knock-down.

– No fighter can be saved by the bell.

– Any foul language or disrespect for the rules or the referee by a fighter or his/her corner will result in a disqualification.

– All fighters weighing in under 150lb must wear 10 oz. gloves provided by the promotion. All fighters weighing in at 150lb or over must wear 12 oz gloves provided by the promotion. Fighters must provide and wear headgear, mouthpiece, and groin protection (for men) for the duration of the bouts. *no shin pads are needed for advanced rules but elbow pads are required and provided by GFC.*

– All female fighters must submit to a pregnancy test and complete a Commission Pregnancy form at the time of weigh-ins.

-All fighters MUST show proper identification at weigh-ins. NO ID = NO FIGHT!

-All fighters must be examined by a physician on the day of the event. Fighters 36 years or older must also submit 1) Complete dilated eye exam, 2) CT scan or neuro evaluation, 3) Physical Form for Fighters 36 and older.


– Punches to the head and body with gloves.

– Kicks to the head/body/torso/legs. No straight kicks to the legs or knees.

– Elbows to the head/body/torso

– Knees to the body/torso/legs.

– Clinch is legal but fighters must remain active or REF will break-up.

– Catching kicks is legal, but fighter must catch and release after a few seconds. No sweeping.


– Knees to the head.

– Straight kicks to the front of the leg/knees.

– Head butts.

-Strikes to the back of the head/spine.


C Class = 0-3 Fights
B Class = 4-9 Fights
A Class = 10+ Fights

**Fighters must be within these classes to fight for a title.  For example an A Class Fighter can’t fight for a B Class title.  However, fighters may fight out of their class if there is not a title on the line.**


– All Fighter’s Must have a Doctor’s Physical documented on the PA Athletic Commission Physical Form.

– All amateur fighters who are competing for the first time in PA must fill out an Experience Form.

-All fighters must apply for an Amateur PA License through the PA Athletic Commission.

-All Advanced Rules Fighters must complete the Advanced Rules Release Waiver provided by the promoter.

-All Fighters must have Blood Test results completed within the past 6 months for HIV, Hepatitis B-surface antigen, and Hepatitis C.

-All of this information must be FAXED immediately to Ed Kunkle at Fax: 717-783-0824, and emailed to

– Questions on paperwork and license Please Call Athletic Commissioner Ed Kunkle at

Phone: 717-787-5720.

– Complete the Information Form online for the online broadcast.


Amateur MMA Rules:

-3, 2-minute rounds with a 1-minute rest period between rounds

-Each amateur contestant shall wear mixed martial arts shorts, biker shorts, boxing or kickboxing shorts during the competition as approved by the Commission.

-Male contestants may not wear a shirt or gi during competition, other than a close-fitting rash guard. Any rash guard must be approved by the Commission. Female contestants shall wear a body shirt and blouse during competition.

-Amateur contestants shall wear open finger gloves weighing at least 7 ounces, which shall be supplied by the promoter and approved by the referee and the Executive Director or a designee before and during use. Contestants are not permitted to supply their own gloves
-Gloves for Main events must be brand new. Gloves for all other bouts must be in good condition.

-Contestants shall wear and provide mouth guard, shin pads and instep pads during competition

-Male contestants shall provide and wear a foul-proof groin protector during competition.

**Fighters MUST wrap hands with tape and gauze.**

Legal Techniques While Standing:

–  Closed hand strikes to head and body.

–  Kicking to body and legs.

–   Knees to body and legs.

–  Throws.

–  Take downs.

–  Sweeps.

–  Standing submissions.

–  Chokes.

–  Armbars.

–  Shouldering.

Legal Techniques While on the Ground:

– Closed hand strikes to body and legs.

–  Submissions (chokes, armbars, straight leg locks only).

Acts Constituting Fouls While Standing:

– Elbows of any kind.

–   Knees to head.

–   Kicks to knees or head.

–   Stomps on feet.

–   Slamming. Throws should be completed in a controlled manner.

–   Throws against a joint.

–   Neck cranks.

–   Pinching, biting, or gouging.

Acts Constituting Fouls While on the Ground:

–   Striking to the head.

–   Neck cranks.

–   Heel hooks.

–   Finger locks.

–   Toe locks.

–   Choking with hand on throat.

–   Smothering (hand over mouth).

–   Spine locks.

–   Hammer locks.

–   Slamming.

–   Pinching, biting or gouging.

Additional Fouls:

–  Holding the shorts or gloves of an opponent.

–  Spitting at an opponent.

–  Engaging in any type of unsportsmanlike conduct, especially that which may cause an injury to an opponent.

–  Holding the ropes or the fence.

–  Using abusive language in the ring or fenced area.

–  Attacking an opponent on or during the break.

–  Attacking an opponent who is under the care of the referee.

–  Attacking an opponent after the bell has sounded the end of the period of competition.

–  Disregarding the instructions of the referee.

–  Timidity, including, without limitation, avoiding contact with an opponent, intentionally or consistently dropping the mouthpiece or faking an injury.

–  Interference by the corner. Team members including cornermen and trainers shall stay in their designated area at all times during an event.

Amateur MMA Fighter Paperwork and Exam Requirements:

– MMA License Application
Amateur MMA License App

Annual Physical

-Eye Exam
Eye Exam

-Blood test results completed within the past 6 months for HIV, Hepatitis B-Surface Antigen and Hepatitis C.

-MMA Experience Form
MMA Experience Form

-MMA National ID
MMA National ID

-Photo copy of Driver’s License or state issued ID card.




EBI Rules – the basics 
• Matches are 6-minutes
• Submission only – no points
• If nobody gets a submission, we go to overtime rounds.
• All submissions legal accept heel hooks in the gi.

EBI Overtime Rules
• Competitors flip a coin to decide who goes first
• Competitors choose to start attacking from the back or ‘spiderweb’ position (armbar)
• Competitors take turns to attack from chosen position
• If one competitor submits, and the other does not (opponent escapes), he is declared winner
• If both competitors escape, we move to the next overtime round (maximum 3 overtime rounds)
• If there are no submissions at the end of the three overtime rounds, the competitor with the fastest combined escape time wins the match.